


Life skills education which is well-known today is the most important part of students’ basic potential development. Theory of developmental tasks explains that any individual, at any stage of the age has the objective to achieve a great ingenuity, skills, knowledge, attitudes and certain functions, in accordance with personal needs that arise within himself (a factor of natives) and demands that come from surrounding communities (empiric factor). Each student will have different life skills because it is affected by the development of the cognitive factor, affective and psychomotor. The development implies a change of human physical and spiritual towards the more advanced and perfect. The third factor in the process of the formation of the integrated life skills for students, though admittedly its determinant level is not the same between one another. Intelligent children in general have a high IQ. This can be seen from the ability to absorb, understand, store, recall, analyze and complete the lessons given by teachers is much faster when compared to a child who has an IQ of being.



education, life skills and the nature of education

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