The Effect Of Alfamart/Indomaret On Umkm Income (Case Study In Ternate City, North Maluku)

Noviyanti Soleman, Adiyana Adam


In the City of Ternate ,. With the presence of modern markets that have entered various
corners of the region, it has provided many benefits, namely, it has saved a lot of
transportation costs close to consumers such as housing complexes and residential areas.
In addition, it also provides economic benefits because it provides many discount
facilities so that it helps consumers get cheaper prices. In addition, by allowing modern
market operations it will help increase regional economic growth in order to increase the
standard of living and welfare of the community. On the other hand, the addition of the
number of Indomart and Alfamidi causes intense competition between traditional traders
and modern markets. On a street, for example, we can find a franchise shop just a few
meters away, often even face to face with traditional traders. The recent growth of
Indomaret and Alfamart in Ternate City is considered to have indirectly threatened and
paralyzed traditional traders. Therefore, the government of Ternate City was asked to
think about the fate of small traders who could lose their livelihoods due to being
crushed by large companies.
Keywords: UMKM income.


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