Sanusi Sanusi Sanusi


The purpose of this study is to multiply the historical roots of the genealogy of interpretation as a result of the crystallization of the values of local wisdom of the community "local wisdom" which subsequently becomes one of the most important parts of the development of teaching materials in the subjects of the Qur'an and al-hadith at the madrasa level, so as to add and enrich the treasures about the study. Through qualitative methods with a historical-philosophical approach, the results of the research are obtained that local wisdom has influenced a lot on the birth of established scientific traditions and constructions that exist until now. Among the knowledge produced from the values of local wisdom of the community "local wisdom" is the science of interpretation. Where tradition as part of the local wisdom of the community (local wisdom) strongly has a strong enough ridge in influencing the birth of interpretation. In subsequent developments, the science of interpretation became an important part of the study of the topic of discussion in the study of the Qur'an and al-hadith in madrasas. In this position, the development of teaching materials based on interpretation is a consideration to strengthen the treasures in subjects (al-Quran and al-hadith) in Madrasah.

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